Norway - Lofoten pt. 2

We got on and off the E10 road (also called King Olav’s Road; its Lofoten part is a National Scenic Route), driving to little beaches that seem to be popular swimming spots in the summer. The smaller islands at the tip of the archipelago give place to bigger ones when driving towards mainland, but the mountains are no less impressive. We passed Svolvær, the biggest town in Lofoten, and were unlucky with the Viking Museum as it was closed :( the road led us along Austnesfjorden, where there are beautiful views on the high peaks on the other side of the fjord.

Antoine snapped this photo of a cormoran on a rock

F-T poses with the Austnesfjorden mountains

chapel at Sildpollneset

Along the way, the weather become colder, and one day we woke up surrounded by snow. Fortunately, we are prepared with our winter tyres ;) the fresh snow gives a really nice mood, but the hike paths turned into slippery mudfest. We followed the road till Lødingen, where we jumped onto a ferry for the mainland, directly onto E6 - the main North-South artery.

our sleeping spot next to a not-so-frequented road in a smaller fjord

Antoine unsnows the window while brushing his teeth

E10 - the main road in Lofoten

Antoine makes his first snowman this year

crediit: Antoine

gangsta signs on the hike path

the islands become more spacious towards the mainland

the road to Lødingen